Generally, women tend to shrink themselves so that others can feel tall. Stop it.
82% of workers want increased public investment in skills training to help people find new jobs in response to the pandemic.
Employers in the construction industry must be vigilant in their efforts to protect women from sexual abuse and discrimination in the workplace.
Neither female-typical nor male-typical communication should be adopted wholesale, but rather individuals should develop a flexible repertoire of communication skills that allow them to adapt to different contexts.
Such extraordinary growth is a blessing for the construction industry, but meeting such demand comes with many challenges as companies push to deploy with speed and at scale while maintaining profit margins.
If we won’t give men a pass for behavior, why should we give women?
To overcome workplace challenges, this craftswoman is learning to embrace her achievements, celebrate progress, and continue to challenge herself.
MyWIC is developing America’s next generation of female leaders by teaching them about the construction and skilled trades industry.
Keep this in mind if you find yourself being stereotyped in some way.
“Be the change you seek. You belong in the room, at the table, the head of the table, and you even have the capability to create new rooms.”
Ever since I started supporting and celebrating the success of other women without jealousy or judgment, I have found myself to be a better person.
Whatever your journey looks like, here are five key activities that will help alleviate the stressors associated with career advancement.
This mom gets to tuck her kids in every night. That, plus earning a salary that supports her family, makes all the difference in the world.
A colleague said there was no way she could get a trucking license. So…she did.
I have noticed a trending preference for having male children over female children because they are “less drama.” Hmmm.
Where is the language that is required behind the façade of DEI boards that have been set up to check boxes? Where are the additional services to actually teach that language?
Change is possible, but the roadblock is execution.
It takes a strong character and unwavering courage to live according to your values and principles, especially in a world that is constantly changing and challenging your beliefs.